Saturday, 8 October 2016

Etheline invites Georgia to yoga

  Okay, continuing my out of order trend.  This is a very recent piece but it is before Etheline loses her job at YADM - Yoga and Drinking Don't Mix.  Etheline and Georgia are new roommates as Etheline has only recently moved into Georgia's basement suite (that she rents, not owns of course).

“Etheline?”  Georgia calls out to in the direction of the bathroom.
“Georgia?” comes a muffled response.
“Have you seen my latest New Yorker?”
“My New Yorker.  It is the fiction issue and I was in the middle of a really really good story and now I can’t seem to find it.”
“No, you haven’t seen it?”
“No, I haven’t seen it.”
The toilet flushes and Georgia instinctively recoils.
Etheline opens the bathroom door.
“Did you wash your hands?” Georgia instinctively asks.
“Of course.”
“Well that’s good.”
“I mean I used my anti-bacterial gel.”
“Oh, do we have that?”
“Well, I do.  I bring it everywhere I go.”  Etheline holds up a small bottle.
“So you don’t wash your hands?”
“I mainly use this.  I have to say, I haven’t had diarrhea in years and years.”
“Wow,” says Georgia, “That is truly remarkable.  I remember you told me that when I interviewed you about living here.  That is quite amazing.”  Georgia has the desire to pat Etheline on the back.  She resists.
“I attribute it to good clean living, yoga, and anti-bacterial lotion.  She holds up the bottle again and unexpectedly throws it at Georgia.  It hits her on the arm.
“Sorry, I thought you might want to see it.”
“I know what anti-bacterial soap is.”
“Oh, yes of course.  I know that.  Sorry, I thought you might catch it.”
“I wasn’t expecting it.”
“No, true.  That’s true.  Anyway, there is some of that vegan coffee cake in the fridge if you would like a piece.”
Georgia has already had several pieces, most small, off of the end so it wouldn’t be noticeable, that kind of thing.
“What was I saying?” asks Georgia.
“Something about …”
“About …”
“The New Yorker.  Have you seen my New Yorker I was saying.”
“Oh that is right.  And I said no, no I hadn’t.”
“Ok.  Hmmm.  I hope I find it.  I was reading a great short story about a woman who makes little coffee cakes for a living.”
“No, that’s just it.  I wouldn’t think that kind of story would be my thing but the character is so interesting and introspective.  She really knows herself.  And I was just at the part with the twist about the doctor having been wrong about her brain tumour.”
“Yes she was at the doctor with her sister there for support and the doctor has just begun to tell her that she doesn’t in fact have a tumour.”
“Well, that must be a relief for her and her sister.”
“And that is the thing. The sister does not seem happy about this.  She seems to take it as an affront. At least that is how the main character observes it.”
“Well, where were you when you were last reading it?”
“I think, I’m pretty sure I was taking a bath.  Last night. You were out and so I was taking a long and enjoyable bath.”
“You were taking a long and enjoyable bath because I was out?”
“Well, I don’t like to do that when you are here because I don’t want to hog the bathroom.”
“Oh that is so nice.”
“Yup.  Okay, what were we talking about?”
“The New Yorker.  The bath.”
“Right, yes. Well, the last time I remember I was in the bath. Gosh, I was so relaxed.   No matter how poor, unemployed, fat, lonely, and/or distressed I am, oh also bored, a good New Yorker puts me right in the relaxation zone.”
“I feel that way about yoga of course and also being inside during a thunderstorm, especially at night.”
“Oh I like that too,” says Georgia.
Georgia and Etheline smile at each other. Georgia feels like it is a moment.
“I can’t seem to lose weight,” says Georgia, apropos of nothing.
“What? “Says Etheline.
“Sorry, I was just thinking aloud.”
“Well, that can happen” says Etheline. “At our early morning class especially people often randomly speak aloud.
“Really? “Says Georgia, “In yoga?”
“Yes we encourage that in certain classes. We call it flow with yoga. It is a chance to decompress and let out whatever is on your mind, within reason.”
“Within reason?”
“Yes. No swearing, racist, sexist or homophobic comments or attempts at converting anyone to your religion.”
“Wow. Does that happen?”
“You would be surprised. One fellow last year went on virulently about the coming apocalypse and the four horsemen, I believe it was.”
“Yes, so we have a few rules in place. Also, no screaming. Inside voices we say.”
“Do you ever take this class?”
“Well, I’m usually busy either at the front desk or overseeing the bannock workshop but I have, yes.  It was very refreshing.  The unconscious mind brings a lot forward.  I spoke of a tree that was in the yard of the home I shared with my first husband.”
“Your first?”
“Yes.  Gosh, he has been dead now for what is it, 17 years? Yes 17 the month after next.”

“Oh, sorry you never said – “
“Well, no.  I mean we had been divorced for years when he feel off the trampoline. It was so random but isn’t that the way of life.”
“Wait a minute.  Was that in Vancouver – I seem to remember –“
“Well, there were two tramp accidents that year. His was in North –“
“North Vancouver!  Yes, of course!  He was the man who –“
“Fell off the trampoline onto the highway at the top of the cut.  Yes, that was Bob.”
“Oh my god – “
“It was quite the thing.  Laws were brought in after that. Bob’s Law – no more trampolines within so many metres of a highway or by way.”
“I remember this!  What a small world.”
“It really is, isn’t it?”
Georgia and Etheline smile at each other again.
“Well, I guess – I’m going to scour the bathroom again for my magazine.”
“I didn’t see it but you never know.”
“And then I will check my room again. It is a mystery.”
“A true mystery.”
“I really enjoyed our conversation.  It is nice to get to know each other better.”
“It is. You should come to our yoga and flow.  It’s a bit early at 5 am but since it is within walking distance …”
“Jesus,” says Georgia.
“Yes, a bit early.”
“If I have to get up for 5 am then I will wake up at 3 am in anticipation.”
“Oh, can you set your alarm?”
“It won’t make a difference.  My body will just wake up.  I guess I could just stay up but that seems a little – “
“Drastic .Do you have this class at any other time?”
“Yes 11:30 pm on every second Tuesday night and every full moon at 7:30.”

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